Full STP
As usual, Onbrane delivers precisely what the market needs.
The Onbrane platform natively has the potential to be interconnected with any third-party software. The possibilities are endless with the same principle in mind – to always bring efficiency, speed, and security.
Full STP Process : The Potential

Example of a Full STP Negotiation process for an issuer
01.a Pricer
If you have a pricer, you can connect it to Onbrane to automatically fill in the points of your curve. You can even edit these points anytime during the day.
01.b Data provider
02. Onbrane
As an issuer :
- Present and communicate about debt projects with intermediaries and investors.
- Effortlessly build your need curve and send it to the counterparties of your choice in order to get your financing.
- Negotiate on the different terms of an issuance. Send offers and counter-offers to your counterparties until you have an agreement !
03. ISIN provider
04. Onbrane
Full automation where you need it the most.
A debt creation consists of a series of steps (signature, recovery of the ISIN code, send to the IPA, link to back-office software …). Onbrane allows you to choose the steps you want to automate. This tunnel adapts to your current processes while allowing you to streamline them.
04.a IPA
04.b TMS
No more manul inputs, the tickets go in your TMS with API. A real help to speed up the pre-trade and avoid mistakes.
04.c Forex platform
Do you trade in multiple currencies ? You can directly upload the information to forex platforms to trade your swaps.
Available APIs
4 APIs to fit to all your needs
Web Rest
Our favorite API ! Fast, simple, in real time, it allows you to do any action on Onbrane. However, it is recent and not compatible with all third-party software.
You can manage your security keys independently.
Flat File
You can even configure flat files that will be made available to your third-party software. Name, fields, order of fields… you have everything under control in a few clicks.
Secure Financial Network
We can set up encrypted lines via our partner BT Radianz.
"Flying Code"
A hybrid API, which allows you to generate configuration files that are to be copied / pasted to fill Onbrane screens. Less automated than a classic API, this option has the advantage of being very quick to set up.
The Infabric concept
Infabric is a term used for applications seamlessly connected together.
One of Infabric’s objectives is to limit project risk and related costs. The 2 solutions will be natively connected and customers will have less integration effort to support.
Each update will be managed between the 2 company teams, which will drastically reduce both the maintenance costs and risks for users.

Status : in reflection > In conception with the market > In production
A partnership that allows you to get the ISIN code in only a few minutes, directly from Onbrane.

Status : in reflection > In conception with the market > In production
A “magic code” API for issuer to send curve directly on Onbrane. The V1 of this API is based on our “Flying Code” concept, and will become a full REST API in the future.

Status : in reflection > In conception with the market > In production
Our solutions are designed to complement each other and will be connected through an API and a widget. This enables data to be seamlessly transferred from one platform to the other with no effort or time lost.