Why and How we add the Asset-Backed Commercial Papers on our platform

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In terms of players, the ABCP market is a smaller market than the classic CP market, obviously with few vehicles issued to refinance a pool of assets. However, in terms of volume and particularly in USCPs, this market represents a good share of the total market. In fact, ABCP issuers often issue on multi-billion dollar programs.
This is why ABCP is an important part of the global Commercial Paper market.

Why and how do we add Sustainable Commercial Paper to Onbrane ?

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Onbrane currently provides the debt capital markets with a multi-product negotiating platform across multiple markets. In 2020, we have received a strong demand from many players who wish to issue debt which is labeled as green, social and sustainability-linked. These labels are applicable to any debt product and at any maturity. They contribute to the growth of sustainable finance. Our ambition is to support all market players in their sustainable transformation.

Why and How we add the NeuMTN on our platform

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NeuMTNs are part of Onbrane’s genesis. The platform was implemented primarily to improve processes and simplify negotiations of the short- term debt. To do so we decided to begin with the French Commercial Paper market instruments (NeuCP and NeuMTN), that were created following the modernization of the French treasury bill market on May 31, 2016, led by the Banque de France. At first, in 2019, we wanted to focus on implementing the NeuCP on the platform as a Proof-of-Work of our project.

Why Bitcoin is an opportunity for the environment

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Bitcoin is far from being the energy glutton portrayed in mainstream media. On the contrary, the Bitcoin ecosystem is accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources and decentralized economic development.

The argument for Bitcoin as digital gold

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Mining gold in the 21st century makes absolutely no sense, as it has disastrous environmental and human consequences. On the contrary, Bitcoin is digital gold and is the best substitute for gold as a store of value.

Exploring the world of sustainable finance with Onbrane

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Finance is not an end in itself but a means to realize ambitious objectives. Since 2015, almost all countries have ratified the Paris climate agreement, which makes finance a fundamental element in the fight against climate change. Today, the climate consequences are already here, while trillions of dollars are necessary to mitigate and adapt our economies to global warming. Thus, the window of time to limit the temperature increase to 2°C above pre-industrial levels is shrinking. And the scale of investment required is beyond the capacity of the public sector alone.

Year End Letter 2020


Year End Letter 2020 2020 was a year like no other. What a lesson of humility and what a reminder that there is so much we can control! The ordeal we lived through triggered many of us to rethink our life priorities. This will have a lasting impact on people’s outlook and expectations – and […]

Bitcoin is fundamentally important


Bitcoin is first and foremost a ‘trust’ revolution. The cornerstone of our society is trust. The heart of our financial system is trust. Bitcoin major breakthrough is in its ability to share a ledger in a trusted way with all market participants. Without Bitcoin, blockchain technology would not exist.

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Meet Ophelie
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Meet Ophelie, Onbrane’s Customer Success Manager

At Onbrane, maintaining a close relationship with our growing customer base is our number one priority. This helps us ensure that we develop products that evolve with the market’s changing needs.

So you’d guess that a person in charge of our customer team plays a key role in driving Onbrane’s success; Today, we sneak a peak at her working methods: Meet Ophelie, Onbrane’s customer success manager!

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