Onbrane Asset-Backed
Market trend
What's hot on the CP Asset-Backed markets?
Market challenges
Several challenges to be addressed in these markets.
Strong demand for efficiency
Today, the processes for communicating the underlying assets that secure debt issues are particularly long and painful. The regulation on securization remains very heavy and which brings lot of ineffiecy, even with regular counterparties.
Lack of knowledge
Too few investors really know about Asset-Backed financial instruments and how they work. They can also suffer from a bad reputation (too complicated to understand, risky...). They are therefore not interested in it.
Unsatisfactory liquidity
Despite the efforts to simplify the regulation of securization, many investors do not want to join this market or are disinterested in it because of the cumbersome processes and the difficulty of credit analysis. Improving these two points would help attract new investors and increase liquidity in the market (specially in Europe)
Lack of standardisation
The standardisation wanted by Securization Regulation (SECR) is not the success hoped for. ABCP markets need more standardization in order to simply regulation and credit analysis for investors and brings new actors in the market.
We are bringing simplicity and efficiency on asset-backed debt markets.
Our ambitions
Simplify the analysis and communication of Asset-Backed framweworks to make this market more efficient with more liquidity
Debt offering
Our platform is a cutting edge asset-backed debt platform
Debt lifecycle
We bring simplicity and efficiency in the asset-backed debt markets.
Framework builder
Collaboration workflow
Link to financing need

Upload and create frameworks
Interact with intermediaries and investors
Share and validate regulation documents about securization
Communicate on your achievements

Update easily your documents
View all versions and receive questions
Build trust from third-party reviews
Validate and access to all reporting

Link debts with activities and indicators
Negotiate about assets refinancing
Track asset-backed debt allocations
Track asset-backed debt allocations

Introduce the Special Purpose Vehicle to new investors
Share key figures and help them to start their credit analysis
Questions and answers specific to each block and analysis by a trusted third party
Share your events and invite investors on Onbrane to participate
“We would also stress that the complexity of the regime has discouraged investors – and in particular small and mid-size investors – from entering the market, even where their sophistication would otherwise make securitisation investments appropriate..”
Survey about ABCP regulation, AFME, september 2021
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